Auto-cleaning filters

Very popular in the irrigation sector, auto-cleaning filters are is equipped with a filter basket, usually made from stainless steel, supported by a PVC outer tube.

The filter casing can be placed both horizontally and vertically and is made from carbon steel, varnished in a thick coat of polyester-epoxy paint. The main filter is protected from the largest impurities by a pre-filter that can easily be manually cleaned. The main filter, available for impurities between 50 and 3,000 microns, is automatically cleaned by a counter flow when the differential pressure reached the pre-set value. The auto-cleaning process only takes a few seconds and does not interrupt the flow of the liquid.

Principal activity sectors

To be used in many sectors where water is much needed

Principal technical characteristics

  •  Filtration efficiency: from 50 to 3,000 microns
  • Minimum operational pressure: 2 bars
  • Maximum operational pressure: 10 bars
  • Both hydraulic and electric model

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Related services

  • Installation and maintenance of filters on site by our teams
  • Maintenance contract possible

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